Hi, beauties and gentlemen!
For the last few months, I’ve been doing double duty – working hard to keep the blog fun and interesting and planning our annual Q81 Foundation Golf Tournament.
April is one of my favorite times of year because we have the opportunity to spend time with our sponsors as well as raise money for the families we serve.
Truth be told, I love my charity work more than I love fashion. I spend most of my time managing our two foundations, The Q81 Foundation and The Anquan and Dionne Boldin Scholarship Fund. I’ve had the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom and take part in a fulfilling line of work. Needless to say, I am truly thankful to spend my time working to improve the lives of others. I am a strong believer in the saying “to whom much is given much is required,” and I humbly take on this role with much focus and consideration to those we serve.
Although we have been planning and hosting this tournament for 12 years, the planning and execution elements never get easier because we are constantly trying to raise the bar. We try to make each year memorable for our sponsors and raise more money to support more families, too. To find out more about our foundation’s mission, visit Q81foundation.org.
As an active planner among both organizations, I am frequently asked many of the same questions about non-profit organizations, but two of the questions I’m asked most often involve how to create and sustain a lasting non-profit organization and how to serve within the community (outside of owning and operating a non-profit). Well, the answers to those questions are extensive, but I’ve come up with well-rounded, concise advice to lead you toward executing community volunteer goals.
Although running a non-profit results in a wealth of positive results for the community, individuals have the power to contribute on their own by volunteering with existing organizations. Please, do not convince yourself that you can only be effective by owning an agency or organization. You, alone, are powerful, and you can create a wave of change with your efforts alone.
You may be wondering, “But how? How do I make a change, and how can I serve my community?” Well, the following are five incredibly effective ways to serve your community without starting a non-profit:
Partner with an existing non-profit: Take some time to research the non-profit organizations that align with your volunteer goals. When you find an organization that matches your vision, contact them and ask if they need volunteers.
Donate to a non-profit: Time and money are important facets of volunteer work. When money is scarce, time is a priceless contribution. When time is scarce, money is incredibly helpful, too. If you find yourself short on time, unable to physically lend a hand, yet you have the means to donate, please donate to a non-profit that seeks to meet your goals for the community.
Serve on the board of a charity: Once you find your passion, commit your time and expertise to shape the future of that charity or non-profit through board service. Becoming a board member provides a means to share intellectual capital and strategic resources to elevate an organization’s success as well as uplift your community.
Raise awareness: Think about the time you spend on social media each day. Think about the people you pass every morning or interact with on a daily basis. You may not realize this, but your reach is broad, and you have the power to raise awareness for any given issue. One fantastic way to donate your time is to raise awareness for the cause or subject of your choice. Utilize your social media platforms, attend local events, and generate new advocates in support of this cause. As your voice echoes, you will encourage others to feel passionate about the cause, too.
Support a fundraiser: Share your time, efforts, and talents to make the world a better place, and support the fundraiser of your choice. Each year, I enjoy taking part in various runs for cancer, and this is a way that connects me to the community and the cause as a whole. I’m able to participate, give my all, and include others, too.
Your community needs you. This world needs you. Together, as we serve in our respective communities and find new ways to uplift the world around us, we are collectively building an environment that is conducive for the growth of its people, and the more we grow, the more we can water others, too.
Readers, don’t be shy. Contact me and share your thoughts. Until next time!