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Nonprofit Services
The success and respective longevity of Q81, among other successful nonprofit organizations, demonstrates a personal wealth of capabilities and knowledge regarding planning and managing the overall scope of nonprofit organizations, from inception to completion.​ Explore the services below to discover how you can be expertly guided through your nonprofit journey.​
Intern Management
NPO start-up
Management Coaching
Event Planning
Board Member Recruitment
Fundraising Management
501(c)(3) acquisition
Strategic Planning
Profitability Improvement
Gain wisdom and insight to expertly select, properly train, and skillfully steer interns through the many layers and potentially rocky terrain of the nonprofit industry.
Focus on coordinating special events for your organization, particularly fundraising events that provide added engagement with valuable donors.
Become legally exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code, one of the 29 types of 501(c) NPOs in the US.
Elevate your nonprofit idea from the inception stage to completion, activating your ability to give back to your community and really make a difference.
One of the most important pieces to the health and sustainability of your organization is acquiring highly qualified, enthusiastic people to serve on your board.
For a non-profit organization, you must ensure your resources are not scarce. Strategic planning goes a long way in keeping the NPO in the planned direction.
Gain value knowledge and know-how regarding management training, ensuring your admin are top tier and equipped to execute your organization's mission.
Successful fundraising and respective donations start with your mission. Establish new efforts, set goals, and measure success to elevate fundraising initiatives.
Nonprofit organizations must remain relevant to continuously improve its efforts, fulfill its overall mission, serve the community, and remain competitive.
To discuss your nonprofit journey
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