Hi, beauties and gentlemen!
In this week’s recent fashion post on the blog, I mentioned how my attention has been in a few different directions, one of which, although time-consuming, has been an incredibly amazing experience, one I will treasure for years to come.
Currently, myself and Kijafa Vick, wife of Michael Vick, are the chairs of the “Off the Field Players’ Wives Fashion Show,” a marquee affair of Super Bowl week that many people consider a must-attend event (and I happen to agree). Check out a few pictures from the last show!
This year’s event will be hosted and produced by The Miami Design District.
All bias aside, despite being a true Florida girl, The Miami Design District is the ideal location for this special show.
The Miami Design District is an uber-creative neighborhood and shopping destination dedicated to innovative fashion, design, art, architecture, and dining. So, what better place than this for the Off the Field Players’ Wives Fashion Show? This cultural destination will definitely set the tone for the show, and I think all the attendees and participants will have an absolute blast.
If this is your first time reading about this event, or perhaps you need a refresher, here’s a quick tidbit of background on the event:
This year’s event is the 19th annual fashion show (to this day, I’m thrilled and overjoyed about its longevity and success!) This fashion show was created to support local and national charities supported by the Off the Field Players’ Wives Association, which happens to be the official national football player’s wives association. Wives and significant others of NFL players will walk the runway in fashions from the retail stores of The Miami Design District. One of the many things I love about this show is that the finale includes NFL players escorting their beautiful lady and families down the runway. I don’t want to give away too many surprises, but I will say that this show will be one for the books! This event is open to the public (purchase your tickets here: http://offthefieldpwa.org/fashionshow/). Tickets purchased will benefit our respective local charities, and I’m super excited about this year’s charity of choice – Reach Higher.
So, what is “Reach Higher?”
Reach Higher is a special initiative facilitated by none other than our fabulous First Lady, Michelle Obama, as she seeks to inspire students in the United States to complete their education past high school.
In 2014, Mrs. Obama launched this initiative to inspire every student, especially first-generation and low income students, to take charge of their future, and so, Reach Higher seeks to help students navigate the college-going process by celebrating their successes on social media and through flagship events, raising awareness about helpful college access tools, and enhancing student support systems by building the capacity of the school counseling profession.
Awesome, right?!
Planning-wise, this is my first time serving as chair for this event. However, I’m no stranger to planning, as I have been behind the scenes for many years, organizing and producing the Q81 Annual Golf Tournament and Fundraiser Dinner.
Needless to say, this fashion show directs my attention to an avenue I passionately champion for and have advocated over the last several years through our family’s personal charities. There is always more work to be done when it comes to elevating the futures of our precious youth, and I look forward to serving Reach Higher with the same passion and diligence as Q81. We have the potential to make a sizable donation, and Kijafa and I are making sure to give this planning process our all!
I’m humbled to impart my philanthropic and planning experience for this event, and I’m really excited to raise money for such a worthy cause. By the way – sponsorship opportunities are still available! If you’re interested, please email info@offthefieldpwa.org for a sponsorship deck.
Beauties, are you actively involved in your community? If so, what charities and nonprofit organizations do you support? Take it from me – we can never have too many volunteers! I encourage you to give back, help others, and be part of the change in this world, a change we certainly need.
Readers, don’t be shy. Contact me and share your thoughts. Until next time!